Mamaw says that "I" am the rose in HER garden! She also told me that I should ALWAYS take time to stop and smell a rose every chance I get. Sounds silly to me but they do smell pretty good!
My Mamaw says that I am HER VS Model. I always laugh and then "strike a few poses" for her. Anything for my Mamaw 'cause she LOVES me and I love her.
One day we went to Duck Park in downtown Sweetwater, TN. I enjoyed feeding all the ducks. When you take time to smell the roses it makes you have a pretty fun day!
One day, Mamaw let me go out and play in the rain. She always lets me have fun but mostly, I think she just likes taking photos of me.
My Papaw had his birthday on Sunday. Me and Mamaw surprised him with a Red Velvet cake--and old fashioned vanilla MAYFIELD ice cream. That's HIS favorite! Mamaw said Papaw is getting old but she is getting younger. That must be true because she let me polish her toenails with silver glitter nail polish! She kinda ROCKS!
My cousin Kaleb told me that I had to go to the Titanic museum. He was right--that iceberg and 28 degree water was AWESOME! I felt really sad when I found out how many people died because there weren't enough life boats. Me and Mamaw placed a rose petal in the memorial that will be placed in the exact location of the ship wreck on April 12, 2012. This is a special ROSE PETAL tribute to honor all the people that lost their lives in the tragedy.
It finally stopped raining long enough for me to enjoy some fun time at the pool. My Mamaw said that it looked like I was "walking on the water" in this picture. I am sure that she THINKS I do!
Thanks for stopping by the farmhouse for a visit today. WE love having company!