Bonjour from Campagne Maison
A friend of my sister asked her if I'd be interested in having this 1930's era corner cabinet for the farmhouse.
In need of a good cleaning and some fresh white paint but none-the-less I SAW the beauty.
Who could resist the NATURAL cracklin' white and aqua paint?
There was no other way but to paint a fresh coat of the white BUT the aqua remained untouched.
With the addition of four HALF-shelves, I was able to double the storage space. It worked out perfect for the bottle height of all my craft paints!
Lace inserts for the door fronts and shelf edges....
Some stencils and Graphics Fairy decals
How NEAT is this?
Perfect Cabinet for a perfect corner in my perfect little farmhouse!
In a GOOD way, I'd say my sister's friend IS crazy. But I sure love to be on the receiving end when "one person's trash is another person's treasure". I also love it when I get to use my 3 R Rules !
Thanks for stopping by the farmhouse for a visit today! We love having company.
Au revoir,