A leghorn is a breed of chicken, and foghorn describes his loud, overbearing voice. Both parts of the name suggest the association with "Senator Claghorn", a blustering Southern Politician who was a regular character on the Fred Allen radio show in the 1930's. One of the most famous of Claghorn's catch-phrases was...."That's a joke...I say, that's a joke, son", which soon become one of Foghorn's famous quotes.
Foghorn is a large, anthropomorphized adult rooster with a strong Virginia accent, a "good ol'boy" speaking style with a penchant for mischief. Many of the story lines involved Foghorn and his canine nemesis, George P. Dog, aka The Barnyard Dawg, engaging in one-upmanship through a series of pranks. Unlike other Looney Tunes rivalries, Foghorn is often the initial aggressor out of self amusement and subsequently on the "losing" end of the gags. Foghorn especially enjoyed taking up a plank of wood, while ambling along humming "Camptown Races" (doo da, doo da) coming to the sleeping Dawg with his front half inside his doghouse, picking up his tail and rapidly whacking his exposed rear end.
Even though Foghorn described her as "looking like 2 miles of bad road", his efforts to woo the widowed hen, Miss Prissy, often found him babysitting her bookish son, Egghead, Jr. Quite the masculine role model, those episodes kept Foghorn busy saying "pay attention when I'm talking to you, boy".
Foghorn was created by Robert McKimson, and was a star in 28 cartoons between 1946 and 1963 in the Golden Age of American animation. All 28 of theses cartoons were directed by McKimson in Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies for Warner Bros. Foghorn's voice was created by Mel Blanc.
http://en.wikipedia.org/ and http://www.stephen-foster-songs/
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