Bonjour from Campagne Maison

I finally got to watch IT and what a treat! If you haven't seen IT yet, I highly recommend IT to all you bloggers that love to cook.
Inspired by the movie, I got out my Julia Child & Company recipe book. After perusing all the pages, I will quickly tell you that I have NO inkling to challenge myself to preparing all the recipes it contains. However, not-so-much a fabulous cook, I do love making desserts and found a chocolate mousse dessert cake recipe, "La Gateau Victoire au Chocolat, Mousseline" that I have the ingredients on hand and am going to bake.
Since the movie subtly hinted at Julia's desire to have children, I found this postscript that I thought was worthy of sharing. She says ..."I am all for encouraging children to work productively with their hands. The small rituals, like the clean hands and clean apron before setting to work; the precision of gesture, like leveling off a cupful of flour; the charm of improvisation and making something new; the pride of mastery; and the gratification of offering something one has made--have such value to a child".
Even with adults, I think this still applies. I know I certainly love giving and receiving homemade food items.
Thanks for stopping by the farmhouse for a visit today. We love having company.
Au revoir,
This was a fabulous movie, full of joy and love of life. So glad that Julie learned how to handle life a little more like Julia did. Such love for her passion of cooking and her husband. Love love loved this movie. Sea Witch
Oh, how I love to cook. Julie and Julia was such a great movie. Very inspirational.
Yesterday I made crab puffs with red onion and mushroom. They were divine!
Jacque, isn't this a fun movie? I've seen it three times now. Mostly I like the parts about Julia Child. I'm not so impressed with Julie. LOL We've been rewatching all the original Julia Child TV shows. Now these are some great lessons! Julia is a fabulous teacher!
Bonjour! I loved that movie, too. It just really cracked me up...Certain parts of the movie still make me laugh! Glad you finally got to watch it!
Hi Jacque,
I loved this movie. I think Meryl Streep did an awesome job as Julia Childs. This movie sure made me appreciate the art of cooking and made me want to try new recipes. I'm so glad you liked it too. Have a wonderful day my dear friend.
Hugs and Kisses,
Hi Jacque,
Trying to make a few visits before i head out. I have not seen this movie but it is on the list. Can't wait.
big hugs,
Oh I loved this movie too. I can remember seeing Julia Child on TV and always got a kick out of just watching her. I am glad I got to know her story better. I don't cook much anymore, HH does it all. I find those older cookbooks use a lot more ingredients and take longer to make than some of the more recent ones. Paula Deen is more our style. Thanks for all your visits Jacque. I love your blog.
What a lovely post. I too, have only recently seen IT.(Julie & Julia), and really enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing Julia's comments about teaching children. Can you imagine having for your aunt?
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