Bonjour from Campagne Maison

I received my Summer 2010 issue of my all time favorite magazine, Romantic Country, this week. I just love Fifi O'Neal and her eye for style! I love Flea Market finds, I love chippy paint, I love vintage pieces, I love collections, I love salvaged architectural items, I love old and imperfection, I love understated romantic decor. I am a self described "Shabby Chic, Old World, Hollywood Regency, Parisian inspired Junkie" ---HOWEVER---

zoom in for a close-up....
there is something about this new "wrinkled" look that distracts my eye and drives me bananas!! The cover of the magazine is full of all the things that I love BUT, the "wrinkles" in that tablecloth throw me for a loop!

and...this slipcover....
All I can think about is the "tongue lashing" that I would receive if my Mama came over to my house and saw "un-ironed" linens. I grew up in the day of "STARCHING and IRONING". She taught me at an early age--back when stiff doilies were the rage and it was a sin to sleep on a pillow case that wasn't ironed!! My, my, my, the times-- they are 'a changing!
I know. It is weired. I am weird. You ask yourself, now how can a person who loves all the crazy mixture of mis-matched "stuff" that I love, HATE "wrinkles".....
(Maybe it's an omen, maybe it is a subconscious effort to drown out the inevitable--you know...the crow's feet--the neck--the buttocks--the thighs...oh well, that's just a thought)!
Tell me...what is YOUR take on this "wrinkle" thing? Please tell me that it isn't just ME!!
Thanks for stopping by the farmhouse for a visit today. We love having company!
Au revoir,
I'm laughing right now because I am so not into wrinkles. I actually love to iron - I know, call me crazy but I find it very relaxing. My very first ironing experience was during the Vietnam War and Dad was there serving in the Navy. Mom wouldn't let me iron because I was only in the 2nd grade. The downstairs neighbor would "let" me iron her pillow cases. To this day I still iron all pillow cases except for flannel.
I'm OCD about wrinkles of any kind so I could not live with them on my sofa or tablecloths. If only I could iron my face and fanny, I'd really be happy.
"Girls...Girls"... we are dating ourselves...((back in the day)) you are so right we ironed EVERYTHING...shoot my jeans use-to be stiff enough to STAND UP BY THEMSELVES hahhaaaa! But look what's happened with time...sweats are being worn everywhere outside the gym and teenagers are wearing their pj's to Walmart...that's alittle too comfortable to me!But the wrinkled look has it's's very Approachable AND I DON'T iron any of my slipcovers...which seems to make visitors dare to sit on my white think it's here to stay (however I think that photo of the SOFA SLIPCVER MUST HAVE SHRUNK WITH THAT PHOTO OP. hahahahaaa!! I have to say Jackie this post will have a bunch of us smilin' ~C
If I had to sit on a chair opposite that love seat and look at those wrinkles, it would drive me crazy. Likewise the tablecloth.
You've put it so well, Jacquie -
I learned to iron with tea towels, pillowcases and my dad's handkerchiefs. What do I iron now? My husband's shirts and the few of my clothes that need it. It's not my favourite chore.
Thanks for the sweet comments on my blog.
Good morning Jacque,
You're just too cute... But there is nothing cute about wrinkles of ANY KIND :-) I think I'm going to have to side with you on this one....Anyway, I just wanted to stop by and wish you a wonderful new week and to thank you for your sweet birthday wishes. My heart was trully blessed my dear friend.
Hugs and Kisses,
I hate wrinkles including the ones on my face.. Yes, I'm from the old school..We ironed everything. I think our relaxed life style has a lot to do with the way our world has gone.. But, I won't go there. Since I'm retired and have all the time to do all the things I love, I iron.. I iron my bed sheets beofre putting them on the bed. Nothing feels better..
Wrinkles, wrinkles. Wrinkles are not always a bad thing. Some things just come naturally and are special and ok.
Jacque, I'm with you. I'm ready to grab the iron, the spray startch and my bottle of water and start pressing all of those whites. Sea Witch
Hi Jacque,
You picked a fun topic!
These days fabrics are so wearable and wrinkle-free.---who is this person who decorates with wrinkles on purpose?
I know, it is the same person who pays big bucks to have their hair styled like they just got out of bed. Sometimes bedhead looks cute, but most of the time it looks strange, scarey, lop-sided (pick one).
But what do I know? When I was little, I thought the Hallmark card commercial said, "when you carry enough, to send the very best."
Have fun today Jacque.
mrs. d
I 1 million percent agree. I see a wrinkle and reach for my new steamer.
Remember in Mommie Dearest the " No Metal Hangers"? well I had a Mommie Dear of my own and her rant was "No WRINKLES".
Love this post, too funny..
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