Bonjour from Campagne Maison

Marla is having a giveaway for her 100th blog post.
The prize is a $25.00 TJMaxx gift card. The winner will be announced on Wednesday morning, January 13th, so you still have time to visit with her and enter for the drawing.
Today, she is showcasing a guest bedroom REdecorating project and WOW....her AFTER pics are of catalog quality! You can read all about her decorating adventures at: Please tell her that I sent ya!
Thanks for stopping by the farmhouse for a visit today. We love having company.
Au revoir,
Hi, Jacque! Just popped in to say "Good morning, to you" on this cold Saturday morn. Hope you are warm and cozy. Thanks for stopping my for a visit. ~ Sarah
Bonjour Jacque,
I want to thank you for your comment on my post a few days ago - I think it was the New Year's one. It brought tears to MY eyes. I've never had anyone say that my life is one to emulate. I'm touched.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Bon Jour! I just left my comment for the TJ Maxx gift card too. Thanks for spreading the wealth. Hope you are staying warm in your neck fo the woods. it is still frigid here and I'm aching for the sunshine. Sea Witch
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