Art Buchwald
Originally purchased for a decor prop, "I'll Always Have Paris!" has graced the top of my coffee table book collection for some time. I picked it up the other day and after randomly reading a few entries, my yearning to visit Paris was instantly sparked. I think the word for that occasion is "serendipity"!!
This book of his memoirs was dedicated to his wife, Ann. When he told her about the dedication, she asked him why, and he said..."because Paris belonged to both of us. The book is our story--not just mine. I can't write about my life without including you as the star". Ann passed away in July 1994, before Art completed the book, but he read passages to her during his daily visits with her before her death. She looked forward to "correcting his facts and adding details that he had forgotten".
I laughed, I cried, I read and I dreamed. Art passed away January 18, 2007. Famous for his satirical outlook on life, in his own words his final goodbyes could be summed up in the song, "What's it all about, Alfie?" In my minds eye, I can see him and Ann sitting quietly somewhere around the Palais de Chaillot gazing up at the Eiffel Tower across the river Seine....
"because a beautiful city like Paris has to be enjoyed with someone you love. There is so much to do and so much to see that the magic must be shared. I shared my Paris history almost exclusively with Ann'--Art Buchwald, "I'll Aways Have Paris!" pg 230
I am linking to AlphabeThursday.

Thanks for stopping by the farmhouse for a visit today. We love having company.
Au revoir,
Paris, the City of Lights and Love. ooolala. Never been there but plan to go for sure.
I loved this post. Thank you.
I finally saw Julie & Julia last weekend. Now I need to read the book. I might even begin to like cooking. I know I'll want more than ever to go to Paris.
(I know you've read the part on my blog about how I was there as a very young child, but remember nothing...sigh.)
I remember seeing him interviewed a number of times. He seemed like quite a character (but in a nice way)
Lovely post! I'm going to go look for this book, it sounds wonderful. Kathy
what a sweet story :D
What a neat post! This sounds like such a neat book. I just wrote it in my little "Read Some Day" note book!
A+ for you!
Great post! The book looks like a treasure!
I heart Art Buchwald. Great catch up work.
Hi Jacque,
What a wonderful post. Actually, I enjoy all of them, it just takes me a while to read them.
I have a B&N gift card and I know what I will be spending it on.
Have a blessed weekend.
big hugs to you.
I enjoyed your post. Very nice story.
Hi Jacque, sorry I haven't been here in so long. I have missed ya !
sounds like a great read! thanks for sharing with us!
Jacque, I'm so happy you are joining Mrs. Matlock's class. I'll look forward to reading your papers. Clever post, and I'm adding this book to my list. I didn't know of it. See you in class!
I came across Alphabe Thursday the other day and thick it is such a great idea...I am so happy you are joining in the fun...Can't wait to see what you'll post for "C"....Maybe Campagne Maison? Will be back tomorrow to see.
Hugs and Kisses,
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