Bonjour from Campagne Maison

Limousin cattle are a breed of beef cattle originally bred in the Limousin and Marche region of France. They are recognisable by their distinctive chestnut-red coloring. The first herd was established in 1886 for improvement of the breed by natural selection. However, the breed may be as old as the history of Europe itself. Cattle found in cave drawings known to be 20,000 years old in the Lascaux Cave near Montignac, France have a striking resemblance to today's Limousin cattle.

Limousins are known for their muscular build, feed efficiency, ease of management and comparable calving ease to other breeds. Limousin cattle produce the leaner cuts of beef that have become a staple of the modern market. Breeders have worked extensively on their disposition issues since their arrival in North America. Most producers find them to be manageable and easy to work with, if not better, than any other beef cattle breeds available today.
Limousins are the breed of choice raised here at Campagne Maison.
I am linking up with Jenny for Alphabe-Thursday. Please grab her button on my sidebar and visit our classroom today. There are plenty of "L"s to read about today.
Thanks for stopping by the farmhouse for a visit today. We love having company.
Au revoir,
That one looks like maybe it was going to charge. Probably trying to protect the little ones. I've never heard of that kind of cattle before. Very interesting.
Aren't they cute. And French heritage too. Oh my. All things are related.
You always have such great lessons! I didn't know a thing about cattle and now I do. They are adorable animals and I would want to make pets out of them, but I don't imagine they are good pets.
Great photos. I grew up around dairy farming, so the pics really took me back..
Jacque, great post. I always learn something interesting from my visits to Campagne Maison. Beautiful cattle!
I love pictures of cattle. It just increases my desire to have a few cows in the back pasture! Great post.
Oh I'm impressed - raising cattle. They are handsome creatures, but I like to stay back from them. If you're going to raise cattle, let them be French!
I'll take mine rare, seared on the outside, bloody on the inside with a big baked potato and a spinich salad. Oh yea, that sounds good. Sea Witch
We always learn something when we come by. Thanks for the lesson!
Oh those two little ones look so cute... I wouldn't be able to eat them when they grow up! I hopped over from Alphabe-Thursday and am so happy that I did! I am the new kid in class, and learning my way around. Please accept my invitation to drop in at my place one day this week when you get a moment. I have become a follower and hope you'll do the same. until later...
although it was interesting, i'm thinking of joining seawitch for dinner! j/k :)
Oh, I was sooo excited when I saw this link. I actually knew that Limousin was a breed of cattle.
OK, now I am over my excitement and feeling really, really smart...
What a fun and different post!
I loved finding this here, just like a treasure, as I journeyed through Alphabe-Thursday's Letter "L"!
Thank you for helping to make this meme so wonderful!
My goal is to learn something new each day and I have learned all about Limousin cattle today, what kind of cheese are made from their milk?
That is quite a bountiful looking herd you have there. I am glad you are able to have those on your farm as I am familiar with that breed. Have heard about the good products from them.
i never knew that - cool post :D
Wonderful to learn new things! This was a very interesting post.
I was excited to read this. Like Jenny, I actually knew that this was a cattle breed. I just can't remember how I knew that :) They really are beautiful. Kathy
I've learned something new today. I've nver heard of Limousin cattle before.
i have never heard of this type of cattle...i am so glad i stopped by and learned a bit today!
Those fellows look like they mean business! Of course, they're French, and allowed to have a little attitude!
I think maybe I have seen them here before.....Their color is kind of unique....
I did some pictures from the agricultural exibition in Paris. Hi from Normandy! catherine
A is for Angus. I worked on a Purebred Black Angus ranch for 17 years. Polled Hereford before that. BEEF: It's what's for dinner!
Thanks for the familiar topic.
I didn't know anything about this breed of cattle (actually about cattle, in general :). It must take a lot of hard work to care for them. I was going to say the calves are so cute, but then I thought it would be better not to get too attached. :)
Hi Jacque,
Just stopping by to say Hi. I've been away for awhile and missed you all. Hope you're doing well my dear friend.
Hugs and Kisses,
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a note. I love meeting fellow bloggers and seeing their corner of the world. Great pictures they are such beautiful animals.
Have a blessed week and yes
God is good
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