Bonjour from Campagne Maison

This week, my post has nothing to do about anything: Nought, nada, non, no thing, no event, no remark! Just a word:
n o t h i n g
Shakespeare's play, "Much ado about Nothing," really was "much ado about something", ALOT OF SOMETHINGS: Social grace, deceit, death, war, honor, public shame, deception as a means to an end.
The play does have a happy ending, however. It reminds me of Queenmothermamaw's double wedding! She is celebrating her GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY. Please take time to visit her and send her an anniversary greeting. She is a great writer and always finds plenty of things to blog about. I know you will love her!
Actually, in Shakespeare's time, the title of the play really was "Much ado about Noting". In order for the plot to work, the characters had to NOTE one another constantly. And, according to Webster, that definition is:
N O T E : observe, notice, take heed of
So, this week I am NOTING the works of other students and heading off to read their "N" word for this week. Join me by grabbing my Alphabe-Thursday button hosted by Ms. Jenny Matlock!
Thanks for stopping by the farmhouse for a visit today. We love having company!
Au revoir,
A twist on nothing I loved it thank you for visiting. see you next week
Great N post. Very interesting.
I love Queenmothermawmaw's blog. She's awesome.
Like you :)
Dear Jacque thank you so much for your visit and thanks for your shout out. Very interesting post about Shak's play. Learned something today. Of course the anniversary is all I can think about this week. The bittersweet memories of my sister, who was my best friend, mixed with missing her everyday since she has been gone. You are such a dear sweet blogging friend. Blessings
Very clever, A+.
Jacque, you are a clever one! I like how you think. It makes visits to Campagne Maison so rewarding!
Have a delightful day, dear friend.
nothing from nothing leaves nothing. That is a good N.
v funny :D
Great N post. Thanks for stopping by.
I love "NOTHING"! I couldn't think of anything this week, but could I come up with NOTHING? Noooooooo!
Nothing is always interesting. When someone says, "whatcha doing?" and you say, "nothin" usually that means you're doing something you don't want to tell them about!
Noting is so much more fun than nothing. I love Shakespeare.
I love this post about Nothing ... err.. Noting ...
What a clever, clever post!
This just made me smile!
There was sure no nihility in this post!
Great stop on the little Alphabe-Thursday journey through the letter "N"!
I always like your links!
Very clever twist!
Nothing could have pleased me more today, on Earth Day, than to not have all our shade trees cut down :-(
... and there is NOTHING I can do about it!
Very creative N post.
Hey, that was a "hole lotta nothing going on." Jacque! REally enjoyed the post and Much ado about nothing is one of my favorite Shakespearean plays...of course Taming of the Shrew and Midsummer's Night Dream are my two favorites. But then I also like Hamlet...okay, too many to choose from. Sea Witch
Hi Jacque,
Just came over to wish you a wonderful weekend my dear friend.
Much love to you,
nothing turned into something!
in the words of rosanna, rosanna, dana---it's always somethin'
not shakespeare, i give you that, but is is much ado about nothing!
thanks for the smile on this cold evening!
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