I am the fortunate recipient of Pay it Forward.....AGAIN!
Take a look at all the WONDERFUL things that I just received from Deb!
A card of white buttons – THOSE will be used on the duvet cover I am making! A vintage hankie, a vintage greeting card, AND a glittery white gemstone encrusted starfish and a handmade dish towel embroidered with a bluebird, both HANDMADE by DEB,

Some cute little monkeys, some Halloween napkins, some language cards, some BINGO cards, and some lesson pages....

How WONDERFUL was all that???? With all these things there is NO excuse for me not to craft and RE-cyle--I already have ideas spinning around in my head!!
NOW...it's your turn. Here's the rules:
If you would like to participate in Pay It Forward, just leave a comment on this post. The first three people to leave a comment will be my next Pay It Forward recipients. You must have a blog so I can read your postings and learn a little about you. That way, I will know what to make just for you! THEN, when you receive your package from me, you post pictures of what you received, just as I have done, then add the Pay It Forward button (which is at the TOP of this post) to your post, and wait for three comments on your blog...and the game continues on. If there are any questions you can ask me anytime! It really is a whole lot of fun! Let's see how far this PAY IT FORWARD can continue.
Thanks for stopping by the farmhouse for a visit today. We love having company!
Au revoir,