Monday, March 2, 2009

This Ain't No Bull!

Bonjour from Campagne Maison ,
Campagne Maison got some new jewelry this past week and I just had to show it off! I have had my eye on this French Bull towel holder for almost a year now. He waited patiently on me to purchase him at the local antique store and I am glad that he did! Made of cast iron, the natural color blends in perfect with the bronze colors in the tile and countertop in the farmhouse kitchen. He is almost too pretty to hang a dishtowel on but, I will let him do his duty.
He is not the only new cow on the farm however. It seems like everyday there are new cows born and alot of days there is more than one birth. Yesterday morning the DH and I witnessed something that neither of us have ever seen before and certainly may never see again. Five buzzards were circling the air during the birth of a new calf. The mother was diligently cleaning him up as the buzzards landed, I assume, to attack the calf. The mother ranted and stomped the ground in an attempt to shew them off but those buzzards were relentless in their attempts. The mother mooed a couple of times and as fast as lightning like a stampede on a cattle trail, the remaining herd came to her rescue. They chased off the buzzards and surrounded the mother and her new calf, like a circle of a wagons on "Wagon Train". They remained there until she got the calf cleaned up and on his feet walking.
Mother Nature. She is magnificent beyond our comprehension.
Au revoir,

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